Inspire Wellness Center

Privacy Policy

We highly value your privacy and are committed to protecting it online. We have posted this privacy policy to help you understand how your personal information will be treated when you use our services. This policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically.

Information collected via this website is limited to what we need to provide you with the best possible service available anywhere. It will not be sold or rented to any individual, group, corporation or agency. Release of your information occurs only when we have your written consent; when it is required to deliver a requested service to you; or where we are required or permitted by law.

Like other websites, this one automatically gathers anonymous information about you such as your Internet address, the date and time you visited our site, and the pages you viewed. This information is collected specifically to better understand how this website is being used and improve its effectiveness.

When sending us an email or requesting an appointment with us, we acquire your email address. We use your email address for acknowledging your appointment request and/or replying to questions; we may store both communication for future reference in order provide a high level of client support.

We also use contact information collected on this website for corresponding with you regarding services that were requested and other related services that may be offered.

When booking appointments through our website, necessary data about yourself is collected and stored in order for us to complete bookings and provide requested services.

As part of our ongoing effort towards personalizing services and enhancing user experience on our site, cookies may be used for storing and retrieving user-specific data. Cookies help identify most popular parts of our site as well as those requiring improvements – leading towards better overall service quality.

A cookie refers a small amount of data sent from a website stored on user’s computer hard drive; using cookies has become industry standard today.

To protect user data from unauthorized access, alteration, destruction etc., appropriate safeguards are implemented. Data access is restricted only to those involved in processing activities; retention period varies according to the type of data involved – it is retained only as long as necessary to meet stated purposes. Users reserve the right to request access to their personal data held by us, make corrections if any inaccuracies exist, delete it if they no longer wish their data to be retained by us, or move their personal data to another provider if they wish to do so.

In event sharing personal information third parties required delivery certain services users’ explicit consent obtained prior sharing occurs unless otherwise mandated by law.

Details regarding types personal data collected along respective retention periods made available users upon request.